LARGE TREES > MIMIC, 2010-2012

In 2009 I was one of 9 artists selected to collaborate with Franz Meyer of Munich in Germany for a permanent installation at Lambert St. Louis International Airport. My piece "Mimic" consists of 3 Italian Cyprus trees surrounded by a halo of Luna moths. Each tree looks as if it is free standing on a clear sheet of glass. In nature Luna moths have protective wing markings mimicking large eyes. In "Mimic" the Luna moths hide by mimicking the shape of each Cyprus tree. In turn, the tree’s red berries mimic the eye markings of the Luna moths.

Collection of the Lambert St. Louis International Airport

MIMIC -- Overview of installation at Lambert St. Louis International Airport
MIMIC -- Overview of installation at Lambert St. Louis International Airport
Glass paintings, fabricated at Franz Meyer, Munich, Germany
6 feet x 9 feet